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It is time for a more decisive resistance against the authorities!
"Bella ciao"
By Rudolf Hänsel

The song "Bella ciao" became famous worldwide through the "Resistenca", the Italian resistance movement against fascism during the Second World War. It's about a partisan in northern Italy who flees to the mountains and says goodbye to his lover (Oh Beauty, Ciao!): "And if I die as a partisan, (...) bury me up there on the mountain." It was translated into many languages as a song of the labour movement. In left circles it belongs to the best known battle songs. Isn't it time for us today – inspired by the protest song "Bella ciao" – to oppose the power-hungry and violent authorities that legitimize worldwide wars and establish a New World Order with more decisive resistance and with civil disobedience or other non-violent actions "to fall into the wheel's spokes" (Bonhoeffer)?

"The Fourth Estate" (1901), detail from painting of Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo - original in colour (public domain)

The occidental decadence

What changes in our society and culture can be interpreted and criticized as decay, decline or depravity in order to legitimize a more decisive resistance against the authorities? Again and again we have to mention the problem of violence, which has not been solved by humanity. The excessive brutality makes its mark on our age too. Striving for power in economy and politics drives us again and again into catastrophes. Wars are no longer justifiable, they have become obsolete!

"If a nuclear war supported by the USA is declared an 'instrument of peace' and is tacitly tolerated and accepted by the international institutions and highest authorities, including the United Nations, there is no turning back: human society has been irreversibly forced onto the path to self-destruction. Now there is a need for a mass movement of people that will powerfully criticize the legitimacy of wars and the New World Order – a worldwide popular movement that declares war as a crime.” This is what Michel Chossudovsky, the renowned economist as well as founder and director of the “Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)” in Montreal, called for as early as 2012 in his book "Towards a World War III Scenario". (1)

Two more analyses make you sit up and take notice: Alexander Demandt, Professor of Ancient History at the Freie Universität in Berlin, wrote on 20.01.2016 in the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen (FAZ)”, a longer, very readable article on the topic "The Fall of the Roman Empire. The End of the Old Order":

"The Roman Empire was friendly to foreigners. But immigrants could only be integrated in manageable numbers. The power structure shifted. The empire remained alien to the foreigners – yet they took the power ower." Following the article, an FAZ journalist asked the author what we can learn from the fall of Rome. He replied: "That we must pursue a far-sighted policy with a sense of proportion and pay attention to the long-term consequences of immigration. The tension between rich and poor peoples is ancient. The Europeans' fear of the poor peoples of the South is also old. For a culture to end, however, it takes some time – in the case of Rome about 500 years."(2)

Finally, the FAZ-journalist wanted to know what advice would Demandt as a historian give the German Chancellor (in January 2016). The answer: "We must limit the influx. Basically everyone knows that, too. To do this, you have to accept hardship. Word has to get  around first that it is not worth coming to Germany. We must not give up our sovereignty. Mrs Merkel must not act for the benefit of foreign governments and at the expense of the German people. Her oath of office provides for the opposite. A moral sense of arrogance resonates here. One must stand up for one's own people – and not run away." (3)

The second analysis comes from the US economist Dennis J. Snower and is completely new. Snower is regarded as one of the best known and most renowned experts on the world economy. In addition to his professorship in economics at the University of Kiel, he heads the Kiel Institute for World Economy. In a “WELT”-interview on 3.01.2019 entitled "There will be major social conflicts in Germany", he recklessly settles accounts with politics that fails to recognize people's needs. (4)

In an introductory statement, the editor of Welt asks a question about the fears of many Germans: "The year 2018 was marked by conflicts and uncertainty. Trump, Brexit, the AfD-driven federal government; most recently the yellow vests on the streets in France. Many people have the feeling that our Western societies are falling apart. Is this fear justified?” Snower replies: "The world is in a bad state and nothing needs to be glossed over. It could come to this because the politics and all of us do not understand the problems we see all over the world and are fighting them wrong.”

Snower predicts: "I expect that there will be great social conflicts because of this; greater than the Federal Republic has seen so far." He further believes that the increasing mechanisation of society and the threat of job loss through automation would put Germany to the test. One problem also lies in the attempt to solve all social problems economically: "Those affected are mainly concerned with completely different things, and that is why it can only go wrong if politics tries to settle dissatisfaction only with financial benefits." A further reason for the drifting apart of society is also a lack of community. Due to the increasing isolation of society through mechanisation, the strengthening of the community is all the more important. (5) (S. a. NRhZ No. 689 of 02.01.2019: "Common sense as a guiding idea")

Today we are facing the collapse of our environment and an omnicide.

Many other decadent developments in our society and culture should also be mentioned, such as the screaming injustice in the world, the destruction of Mother Earth, the radioactive contamination of the earth or the deliberate depopulation. "The ruling elite," writes the independent US geoscientist and international expert on radiation and public health, Leuren Moret, on her website, "has been conducting secret nuclear wars for the purpose of depopulation since the Second World War. They do this under the guise of atmospheric tests for the purpose of 'national security', nuclear power 'so cheap that it can hardly be measured' and 'kinetic energy projectiles' with depleted uranium.” (6)

Rosalie Bertell, US doctor, biometrician and environmental activist, who received the Alternative Nobel Prize for her book on the dangers of radioactive contamination of the Earth in 1986, speaks of an omnicide: "The concept of species erasure aims at a relatively rapid, deliberate, radiation-induced end of history, culture, science, biological reproduction and memory. It is the ultimate human rejection of the gift of life, an act that requires a new word to describe it: Omnicide." (7) We are talking here about the destruction of Mother Earth by uranium weapons. The levels of new warfare cannot be ignored. Bertell summarizes them as plasma weapons, weather wars and geo-engineering.

In an interview on "Radioactivity and the extinction of life - Are we the last generations?" Rosalie Bertell calls for our voice to be raised: "What we are doing right now is to reduce the number of viable generations on our planet by introducing errors into DNA or the gene pool. (...) We have reduced the survivability of living systems on the planet, whether our planet recovers from these interventions or not. We do not have an alien source that can provide us with new DNA. (...) We are responsible for what we leave to the next generation. (...) It seems that our generation does not care about the future. That is not our heritage. Our heritage is to leave our children something better than we have received. But that doesn't seem to bother us. (...) We will surely have to raise our voices, (...)." (8)

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms the forecasts of the two scientists. According to these forecasts, the incidence of cancer is rising drastically worldwide. The WHO expects that by 2030 more than 21 million people develop tumors every year. Deaths from cancer will also rise from 8.2 million to 13 million. At World Cancer Day 2017, she reported: "The burden of cancer in the WHO European Region continues to rise, placing an enormous physical, emotional and financial burden on those affected, their families and communities as well as the health systems. Despite efforts in the areas of prevention, early detection and treatment, cancer mortality increased between 2000 and 2015 in all parts of the European Region by 6.6 per cent." (9)

Time for a more decisive resistance against the authorities!

As a reminder, the oath of the German Federal President, the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Ministers according to Article 56 (and Article 64) of the Basic Law:

"I swear that I will devote my strength to the welfare of the German people, increase their benefit, turn harm away from them, uphold and defend the Basic Law and the laws of the Federation, fulfil my duties conscientiously and exercise justice against everyone." (10)

It is pointless to enumerate when and how politicians have not been and will not be able to live up to this oath. Each of us cannot give just one example. More than 100 years ago, the great Russian writer Leo N. Tolstoy put his assessment also on record about those in power – admittedly at a different time. (May every sincere politician gladly dissociate himself from it.): "One could still justify the subordination of an entire nation to a few people if the rulers were the best people; but that is not the case, has never been the case, and never can be. Often rule the worst, the least important, the cruelest, the most immoral, and especially the most dishonest people. And that this is so is no coincidence." (11)

Since cheap speeches or excellent analyses have, in my opinion, little or no effect because our politicians are not interested in people's opinions and only pursue their own interests and those of their "whisperers". Therefore, I agree with the words of the Swiss poet and politician Gottfried Keller (1819-1890), who had the opinion: "No government and no battalions are able to protect justice and freedom, where the citizen is not able to step outside the door himself and see what there is." (12)

One way to offer more decisive resistance to the authorities is through civil disobedience. But the highest authority is warning against this. The German political scientist and sociologist Theodor Ebert wrote in an article for the "Frankfurter Rundschau" on the subject of "Civil Disobedience": "While civil courage ranks at the top among the democratic virtues, the willingness to disobey civil law is not only suspected among public prosecutors of disturbing legal peace and undermining the foundations of liberal democracy. (…)

When Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference protested in Birmingham in 1964 against the discrimination of blacks by the violation of the rules by  the white Sheriff Connor, in  his opinion disturbed the legal peace, and King was imprisoned for it, he legitimized his behavior towards critical colleagues (...), in the meanwhile famous 'Letter from a Birmingham City Jail': He had resorted to civil disobedience in order to dramatize his 'concern in such a way that it can no longer be ignored‘. This is now considered the classic justification for civil disobedience." (13)

The intrepid theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who fought against National Socialism and was executed in 1945, demanded already in April 1933 publicly of a Christian "not only to connect the victims under the wheel, but to fall into the spokes of the wheel itself". (14) And the world-renowned left-wing intellectual and emeritus professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, Avram Noam Chomsky, titled his new book: "Fight or Fall! Why we must rise up against the masters of mankind!“

Finally, I would like to repeat Chossudovsky's request from his book "Towards a World War III Scenario": "Now a mass movement of people is necessary, which with all its power criticizes the legitimacy of wars and the New World Order – a  worldwide popular movement which declares war a crime."


(1) Chossudovsky, M. (2012). Das Szenario eines Dritten Weltkriegs. Die geheimen Pläne des Pentagon zur Errichtung einer Neuen Weltordnung. Rottenburg, S. 126
(3) A.a.O.
(4) https:/
(5) A.a.O.
(6) NRhZ 680 vom 31.10.2018: "Das Danaergeschenk des 'barmherzigen Engels'" []
(7) NRhZ 633 vom 18.10.2017: "Trägheit des Herzens" []
(8) A.a.O.
(9) A.a.O.
(11) Urban, P. (Hrsg.) (1983). Leon N. Tolstoi. Rede gegen den Krieg. Frankfurt am Main, S. 47 
(13) Frankfurter Rundschau vom 18.01.1984

Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is an educationalist and psychologist.

Deutschsprachige Fassung:

Es ist Zeit für einen entschiedeneren Widerstand gegen die Obrigkeit!
"Bella ciao"
Von Rudolf Hänsel
NRhZ 689 vom 07.01.2019

Online-Flyer Nr. 690  vom 30.01.2019

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